She said Idols was full of racism and if M-Net did not soon sell the competition to the SABC, South Africans would never have a black winner.
Louw said: "L'loyd should have won. Finish and klaar!"
"Black people don't have access to DStv," said Louw. "So a large part of South Africa is excluded. White people vote for white people and black people get the short end of the stick."
It is the first time that an Idols judge comes out to slam a winning Idol. Her comments may affect her role in the popular series in future.
It is the first time that an Idols judge comes out to slam a winning Idol. Her comments may affect her role in the popular series in future.
Although the numbers showed that Elvis got almost twice as many votes as L'loyd, Louw said: "South Africans are still racist."
Third judge Randall Abrahams said he disagreed. "To say that white people vote white and black people vote black, you have to know every person who is voting and know who he is voting for. And this is impossible."
"M-Net gained many black viewers. How do you know that black people didn't vote for Elvis? People stopped voting long ago for only singing talent, they vote for the whole package. And in any case, it is the white people who buy the albums," said Abrahams.
M-Net spokesperson Lani Lombard said people voted for talent and not race. She said the top four were a clear indication of this. She said Idols was also not limited to DStv and that the Idols were introduced to people on radio stations, in local newspapers and even public performances.